Business Owner And Entrepreneur Endorses Gary Cordery For Governor

Mark Benson
Today, Republican candidate for Governor of Hawaiʻi, Gary Cordery, a successful businessman and entrepreneur, was endorsed by Honest Car Payment owner, Mark Benson.

Mark Benson is the former owner of Honolulu Ford as well as a number of other dealerships across the mainland.

“As a business owner myself, I know how hard it is to build a prosperous company, yet everything Mark touches seems to flourish. I am honored by his support,” stated Cordery. “Mark is a man of outstanding faith, incredible character and impeccable work ethic. I am pleased with his support and know I will be the Governor and leader he expects me to be.”
Benson’s endorsement statement can be viewed below:
I am tired of political cowards and elected leaders that will say anything to keep a job but are not willing to stand up for our family’s rights. Our land is troubled, as many of our elected leaders go along with abortion and allowing our kids to be subjected to unhealthy forces. Gary will answer the hard questions, even though most people are afraid to confront them!

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Hawai’i needs a governor who is willing to fight for the people: someone who honors others first, pursues the truth, and protects the liberty of all.

Contributions by a person to a candidate committee during an election period are limited to $6,000 to a candidate seeking a 4-year, statewide office.

Vote for Gary Cordery for Governor 2022

Gary Cordery is a servant leader.  Hawai’i needs a governor who is willing to fight for the people: someone who honors others first, pursues the truth, and protects the liberty of all.

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